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The Country
That Lives
Within Me

A Novel

“The Country That Lives Within Me” ("Tara care traieste in mine") is an emotional journey of self-discovery and transformation. Ana Sala’s experience of immigration and displacement is a powerful backdrop for exploring universal themes like love, friendship, loss, and identity, which makes the story relatable to many readers. Ana’s tumultuous marriage marks the beginning of a cavalcade of events and family dramas that force her to travel between Canada and Romania to reconcile her past. A grownup son who searches for his own identity, a quiet mother trapped in her own mind, an aging father looking for love, and a therapist friend. They all come together into a tapestry of tales and hope that help Ana find the place where she belongs.​​


Quote from the book

"As an immigrant, I learned that people, like words, are broken, imprecise, unpredictable.

I learned that, if you came from a dictatorship that stripped you of dignity through a culture of fear, Canada was a place to heal and grow."

Book cover the silhouette of a woman through trees The country that lives within me
Tara Care Traieste in Mine book cover the silhouette of a woman holding a suitcase

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Book Launch Event in Romania 

Book Launch Event in Toronto

Soon Available

Where Do Ideas
Come From? 

A Children's Book

In "Where Do Ideas Come From?" ("De unde vin ideile?"), Nina Trifan explores the creativity and imagination that exists within all of us. 


Through the story of a curious hedgehog on a quest to learn where ideas are born by asking his animal friends, young readers are encouraged to explore the world while embracing their own ideas. 


A hedgehog in the forest

© 2024 Nina Trifan

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