Nina Trifan
Now Available
The Country
That Lives
Within Me
Nina Trifan's novel, “The Country That Lives Within Me”, has been published in English and Romanian (Tara care traieste in mine) by Univers Publishing House (Editura Univers).
This book is an immigrant story that explores the balancing act between embracing a new culture and holding onto one's own identity, while using language to mark cultural boundaries. ​Learn more.

What Readers Say
“My ex was physically abusive, and I walked away because of the abuse so the chapter on ‘Love is not enough’ resonated with me as a whole, but especially the last paragraph of that chapter...so he did love me, but in the end his love wasn’t enough.” -- Caroline W.
“So emotional and honest. I laughed and I cried. I read it as if I heard the author's voice in my head although I knew it wasn’t autobiographical. I loved it.” -- Andrada P.​
“I loved the book. I loved the emotions and the memories that it stirred up. Such a strong female character. A beautiful story about how enduring friendship always prevails.” -- Geta B.
“An immigrant story that resonated with me. Thanks for writing a book about all of us.” -- Marina S.
​“This book made me cry. Such a beautiful ending. The story is so easy to identify with, but still so different. Immigration is just a way to find ourselves, isn’t it?” -- Nina S.
"With relatable characters and evocative descriptions, this story is a moving testament to the immigrant experience and the universal pursuit of belonging. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a tale of hope, courage, and personal growth." -- Cristian B.
"It was a great vacation read. I recognized myself in Ana so many times." -- Lili B.
"This book is a gift. It has the power to heal."
-- Luana P.
Praise & Quotes
"Nina Trifan’s The Country That Lives within Me (Tara care traieste in mine) explores the nuances, dislocation, triumphs and challenges of immigration, motherhood, and relationships. Evocative and honest, this book follows the life of Ana Sala as she leaves Romania for Canada, returns briefly to care for her ailing mother with her ten-year-old son Matthew, only to leave again.
The novel explores the breakdown of her marriage with Keeran, her bond with Katarina, and her love for words."
Dr. Ranjini George, author of Through My Mother’s Window: Emirati Women Tell Their Stories and Recipes, teaches Meditation and Writing at the School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto
"Travelling back and forth between borders, political regimes, families, languages, ages, a sense of attachment and a sense of detachment, Ana seems to embody one of the most interesting dilemmas of our time: where do we belong? Or, even: do we still belong somewhere?"
Editorial Director, Univers Publishing House
"I'm just a woman who dreams of writing stories... - Chic Elite Interview